
If you're looking for a Wealden takeaway, you've come to the right place! With excellent hygiene standards, local food businesses have a good chance of receiving a very good rating. You can find out more about the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, which aims to ensure that food is handled and stored as hygienically as possible. To learn more about this scheme, visit the Food Standard Agency website.

Moovit is an all-in-one transit app that makes getting to Chan's Takeaway in Wealden, United Kingdom, simple and convenient. Moovit gives you free maps and live directions so you can find the best route to Chan's Takeaway. Once you're on your way, use Moovit to find the shortest route and find the best time to catch a bus, train, or taxi.

Premier 1066 Convenience Stores Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Premier 1066 Convenience Stores

Premier 1066 Convenience Stores in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Sussex By The Sea Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Sussex By The Sea

Sussex By The Sea in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Express Hygiene Rating - 1/5


Express in Jarvis Brook has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Patisserie Valentin Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Patisserie Valentin

Patisserie Valentin in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Uckfield News Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Uckfield News

Uckfield News in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Barley Mow Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Barley Mow

Barley Mow in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Petrogas Hygiene Rating - 2/5


Petrogas in Uckfield has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Fishmongers of Sussex Ltd Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Fishmongers of Sussex Ltd

Fishmongers of Sussex Ltd in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Cheat Days Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Cheat Days

Cheat Days in Uckfield has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Caccia and Tails Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Caccia and Tails

Caccia and Tails in Selmeston has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Herons Folly Garden Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Herons Folly Garden

Herons Folly Garden in Mayfield has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Rose's Fish Bar Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Rose's Fish Bar

Rose's Fish Bar in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Donna Maria Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Donna Maria

Donna Maria in Crowborough has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Miah Restaurant and Take Away Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Miah Restaurant and Take Away

Miah Restaurant and Take Away in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Weekes Newsagents Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Weekes Newsagents

Weekes Newsagents in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Ocean View Bakery & Restaurant Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Ocean View Bakery & Restaurant

Ocean View Bakery & Restaurant in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Pevensey Bay Sailing Club Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Pevensey Bay Sailing Club

Pevensey Bay Sailing Club in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

The Grill Hygiene Rating - 3/5

The Grill

The Grill in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

The Grill Hygiene Rating - 3/5

The Grill

The Grill in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Cafe and Alfresco Kitchen Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Cafe and Alfresco Kitchen

Cafe and Alfresco Kitchen in Forest Row has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Downsview Butchers Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Downsview Butchers

Downsview Butchers in Lower Willingdon has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Rainbow Catering Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Rainbow Catering

Rainbow Catering has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Old Spot Farm Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Old Spot Farm

Old Spot Farm in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Raipur Hygiene Rating - 3/5


Raipur in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Moaps Farm Bed and Breakfast Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Moaps Farm Bed and Breakfast

Moaps Farm Bed and Breakfast in Danehill has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

The Half Moon Inn Hygiene Rating - 3/5

The Half Moon Inn

The Half Moon Inn in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Mandy's Burger Van Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Mandy's Burger Van

Mandy's Burger Van in Bellbrook Industrial Estate has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Bunmi Hygiene Rating - 3/5


Bunmi in The Broadway has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Hawkswood Store Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Hawkswood Store

Hawkswood Store in Hawkswood Road has a hygiene rating of 3/5.

Forest Row Golden Grill Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Forest Row Golden Grill

Forest Row Golden Grill in East Sussex has a hygiene rating of 3/5.