
Welcome to Dodgy Dinner, a database of the official food hygiene ratings for all restaurants, take-aways, pubs and cafes. If they sell or prepare food, then we should have a rating for them.

To get started, simply search for a pub or restaurant name below. You can also search using your location.

Where does the data come from?

The Food Standards Agency operates around the UK. The government agency visits all establishments that want to sell food. It isn't necessarily a guide to food quality, but you can make up your own mind about whether you want to eat in a restaurant with a 1/5 rating.

The ratings systems covers all establishments across English, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

You can read more about the Food Standards Agency on their website.

How does it work?

Every establishment that wants to sell prepared food must register with the Food Standards Agency (FSA). This does not include pre-prepared packeted food such as chocolate bars.

Once registered an agent from the Food Standards Agency will visit the establishment. Every establishment is marked on a number of different points:

  1. Food Hygiene and Safety - Does the establishment follow proper food hygiene procedures?
  2. Structural Complicance - Is the establishment clean, well ventilated, have proper lighting and facilities for staff and consumers?
  3. Confidence in Management - How do the owners or management of the business handle food hygiene within the business? Is it taken seriously, and does the business have a good track record of compliance, or is this a repeat offender? Are staff well trained and well equipped. etc.

Once an inspector has visited an establishment and scored it the ratings are usually available within a couple of weeks.

Every establishment is periodically re-inspected. We show you the date that it was last inspected by the FSA on the establishment page.