
Listed below are the food hygiene ratings of Adur takeaways. These ratings are based on data collected by the local authority and reflect the standard of hygiene on the date of inspection. To find the ratings of all Adur takeaways, you can use our food hygiene rating comparison tool. This tool has been designed to help consumers find the right place to eat, whether it be a local restaurant or a takeaway.

Lancing Parish Council Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Lancing Parish Council

Lancing Parish Council in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Caley Brothers Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Caley Brothers

Caley Brothers has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Pan & Kebab Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Pan & Kebab

Pan & Kebab in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Burning Desire Hot Sauce Company Limited Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Burning Desire Hot Sauce Company Limited

The Burning Desire Hot Sauce Company Limited in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

J R Teas Hygiene Rating - 5/5

J R Teas

J R Teas has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Mrs Whippea Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Mrs Whippea

Mrs Whippea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Early Explorers Nursery Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Early Explorers Nursery

Early Explorers Nursery in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Rainbow Cafe Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Rainbow Cafe

Rainbow Cafe in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Alishaan Indian Restaurant Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Alishaan Indian Restaurant

Alishaan Indian Restaurant in Sompting has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Lancing Premier Bakery Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Lancing Premier Bakery

Lancing Premier Bakery in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Pit Stop Cafe Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Pit Stop Cafe

The Pit Stop Cafe in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Coombes Farm Tours Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Coombes Farm Tours

Coombes Farm Tours in Coombes has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Seashore Bakes Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Seashore Bakes

Seashore Bakes has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Sompting Lunch Club Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Sompting Lunch Club

Sompting Lunch Club in Sompting has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

CaPhe Republic Hygiene Rating - 5/5

CaPhe Republic

CaPhe Republic has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Maccadooie Bakes Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Maccadooie Bakes

Maccadooie Bakes has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Paper Daisy Events Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Paper Daisy Events

Paper Daisy Events has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Cake Suite Co Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Cake Suite Co

The Cake Suite Co has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Best Health Food Shop Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Best Health Food Shop

Best Health Food Shop in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Jade Garden Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Jade Garden

Jade Garden in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Mulberry Stores Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Mulberry Stores

Mulberry Stores in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Amin's Hygiene Rating - 5/5


Amin's in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Elmcroft Hygiene Rating - 5/5


Elmcroft in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Rainbow House Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Rainbow House

Rainbow House in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Sussex County Football Assoc. (Bar) Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Sussex County Football Assoc. (Bar)

Sussex County Football Assoc. (Bar) in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

West Sussex Alternative Provision Hygiene Rating - 5/5

West Sussex Alternative Provision

West Sussex Alternative Provision in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Plaice in the Square Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Plaice in the Square

The Plaice in the Square in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Co-Op Hygiene Rating - 5/5


Co-Op in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Cake Time Bakery Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Cake Time Bakery

The Cake Time Bakery has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Parish's Hygiene Rating - 5/5


Parish's in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.