Listed below are the food hygiene ratings of Adur takeaways. These ratings are based on data collected by the local authority and reflect the standard of hygiene on the date of inspection. To find the ratings of all Adur takeaways, you can use our food hygiene rating comparison tool. This tool has been designed to help consumers find the right place to eat, whether it be a local restaurant or a takeaway.
Claire's Kitchen Creations has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Uncle Sams in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Lancing Burger Bar in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Premier Garrets Newsagents in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Lobo's Caribbean Cuisine has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
One Stop in Sompting has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Age UK West Sussex in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
The New Port Arms in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Uncle Sams in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Funnel of Love has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Sandwich in the Square in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Subway in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Beach Green Kiosk in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Coffee Stop has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Drumconner Rest Home in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Premier Maxi's Supermarket in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
So Mezze has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Lancing Local in Sompting has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
The Nursey Family in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Cakes by Emma has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Drury Cafe in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Sugar 'n' Spice has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
V & P Convenience Store in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
AGE UK West Sussex and Brighton in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Gardeners Arms in Sompting has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Scoff has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Prithi Raj in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Sompting Abbotts School in Sompting has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Beach Green Stores in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Lancing Methodist Church Hall in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.
Showing 121 to 150 of 488 results