What is The Barn Bakery hygiene rating?
The Barn Bakery is exempt from needing to be hygiene rated.
Exemption happens when an establishment has been inspected by a food safety officer and met the pass criteria, but didn't meet the requirements of the scheme itself.
Usually these businesses aren't a risk to people's health, and often they're not even a 'food business'. Examples include newsagents, chemists or visitor centres who may sell food such as biscuits.
The Barn Bakery was last inspected on 25th February 2021.
Address of The Barn Bakery
Business category
The food standards agency classifies The Barn Bakery as Other catering premises.
Local authority
Every business is governed by a local authority. The local authority for The Barn Bakery is Wiltshire.
You can contact Wiltshire at:
Website: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk
Email: publicprotectionwest@wiltshire.gov.uk
You can use the following reference for this business: PI/000303184.
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