Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee hygiene rating

What is Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee hygiene rating?

Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee Hygiene Rating - Exempt

Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee is exempt from needing to be hygiene rated.

Exemption happens when an establishment has been inspected by a food safety officer and met the pass criteria, but didn't meet the requirements of the scheme itself.

Usually these businesses aren't a risk to people's health, and often they're not even a 'food business'. Examples include newsagents, chemists or visitor centres who may sell food such as biscuits.

Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee was last inspected on 19th January 2021.

Address of Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee

Business category

The food standards agency classifies Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee as Retailers - other.

Local authority

Every business is governed by a local authority. The local authority for Slimming World-Jodie Rigby-Mee is Warwick.

You can contact Warwick at:

You can use the following reference for this business: 41453.

View more businesses in Warwick.