What is L'Hirondelle Kitchen hygiene rating?
L'Hirondelle Kitchen in Walthamstow has a hygiene rating of 3/5 (Generally satisfactory) .
L'Hirondelle Kitchen in Walthamstow scored 'Generally satisfactory' for hygiene.
L'Hirondelle Kitchen in Walthamstow scored 'Generally satisfactory' for structural.
L'Hirondelle Kitchen in Walthamstow scored 'Generally satisfactory' for confidence in management.
L'Hirondelle Kitchen was last inspected on 2nd November 2021.
Address of L'Hirondelle Kitchen
228 High Street,Walthamstow,
E17 7JH
Business category
The food standards agency classifies L'Hirondelle Kitchen as Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen.
Local authority
Every business is governed by a local authority. The local authority for L'Hirondelle Kitchen is Waltham Forest.
You can contact Waltham Forest at:
Website: http://www.walthamforest.gov.uk
Email: environmentalhealth@walthamforest.gov.uk
You can use the following reference for this business: 347895.
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