What is The Buck And Bell hygiene rating?
The Buck And Bell in Long Itchington has a hygiene rating of 5/5 (Very good) .
The Buck And Bell was last inspected on 6th January 2022.
Address of The Buck And Bell
Buck And Bell,The Green,
Long Itchington,
CV47 9PH
Business category
The food standards agency classifies The Buck And Bell as Restaurant/Cafe/Canteen.
Local authority
Every business is governed by a local authority. The local authority for The Buck And Bell is Stratford-on-Avon.
You can contact Stratford-on-Avon at:
Website: http://www.stratford.gov.uk
Email: envhealth@stratford-dc.gov.uk
You can use the following reference for this business: 18/00019/FOOD.
View more businesses in Stratford-on-Avon.