What is Campus & Co Newtown hygiene rating?
Campus & Co Newtown in Newtown is awaiting inspection from a food safety officer.
This happens when a business has only recently opened (or requested inspection). It can also happen if the business has a new owner.
You should check back again soon.
Campus & Co Newtown was last inspected on 16th February 2022.
Address of Campus & Co Newtown
Morgans of Newtown,Mochdre Industrial Estate,
SY16 4LE
Business category
The food standards agency classifies Campus & Co Newtown as Retailers - other.
Local authority
Every business is governed by a local authority. The local authority for Campus & Co Newtown is Powys.
You can contact Powys at:
Website: http://www.powys.gov.uk
Email: public.protection@powys.gov.uk
You can use the following reference for this business: PI/000032571.
View more businesses in Powys.