What is Millmead J M I School hygiene rating?
Millmead J M I School in Hertfordshire has a hygiene rating of 5/5 (Very good) .
Millmead J M I School in Hertfordshire scored 'Good' for structural.
Millmead J M I School was last inspected on 13th March 2020.
Address of Millmead J M I School
Port Vale,Hertford,
SG14 3AA
Business category
The food standards agency classifies Millmead J M I School as School/college/university.
Local authority
Every business is governed by a local authority. The local authority for Millmead J M I School is East Hertfordshire.
You can contact East Hertfordshire at:
Website: http://www.eastherts.gov.uk
Email: environmental.health@eastherts.gov.uk
You can use the following reference for this business: PI/000018505.
View more businesses in East Hertfordshire.