
Looking for Ashfield takeaways? Use the Uber Eats app to find the best places to order food. With this app, you can browse through restaurants in Ashfield, check out their menus, and even find star ratings. You can find Ashfield's most popular restaurants or your favourites. You can even search by cuisine to find the perfect restaurant. There's a menu to suit every taste. Whether you're looking for Indian food, Chinese food, or Thai cuisine, you're sure to find a great place to eat.

If you're looking for a Chinese restaurant, you'll be happy to find traditional Cantonese and Oriental cuisine in Sutton in Ashfield. Domino's pizzas are made with 100% mozzarella and vine tomatoes. For something a bit more familiar, try Kentucky Fried Chicken, the original chicken chain started by Colonel Sanders. His famous chicken is known the world over and is served up in a smoky tin.

Fortuna Hygiene Rating - 1/5


Fortuna has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Casa Noastra Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Casa Noastra

Casa Noastra has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Venezia Hygiene Rating - 1/5


Venezia has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Andrews News & Booze Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Andrews News & Booze

Andrews News & Booze has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Local Convenience Store Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Local Convenience Store

Local Convenience Store has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Trent Barton Sutton Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Trent Barton Sutton

Trent Barton Sutton has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Fusion Hygiene Rating - 1/5


Fusion has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Gemini Stores Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Gemini Stores

Gemini Stores has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Forest  Chippy Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Forest Chippy

Forest Chippy has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Kingsway  Pizza & Kebab Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Kingsway Pizza & Kebab

Kingsway Pizza & Kebab has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

Super Sam Food Plus Hygiene Rating - 1/5

Super Sam Food Plus

Super Sam Food Plus has a hygiene rating of 1/5.

The Posh Bar and Grill Hygiene Rating - 2/5

The Posh Bar and Grill

The Posh Bar and Grill has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Pizza Hut Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

The Bus Stop Cafe Hygiene Rating - 2/5

The Bus Stop Cafe

The Bus Stop Cafe has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

T C Catering Hygiene Rating - 2/5

T C Catering

T C Catering has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Diamond Convenience store Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Diamond Convenience store

Diamond Convenience store has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Grillo's Peri Peri & Pizza Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Grillo's Peri Peri & Pizza

Grillo's Peri Peri & Pizza has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Seagull Fish Bar Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Seagull Fish Bar

Seagull Fish Bar has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Fuller Flavour Mobile Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Fuller Flavour Mobile

Fuller Flavour Mobile has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Grosvenor Rooms Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Grosvenor Rooms

Grosvenor Rooms has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Oval Fish Bar Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Oval Fish Bar

Oval Fish Bar has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Alaskan Ice Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Alaskan Ice

Alaskan Ice has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Kim's Diner Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Kim's Diner

Kim's Diner has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

George Street W.M.C Hygiene Rating - 2/5

George Street W.M.C

George Street W.M.C has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Fab's Chicken Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Fab's Chicken

Fab's Chicken has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Go Local Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Go Local

Go Local has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Lindley Street Stores Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Lindley Street Stores

Lindley Street Stores has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Golden Cod Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Golden Cod

Golden Cod has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Dragon Wonder Hygiene Rating - 2/5

Dragon Wonder

Dragon Wonder has a hygiene rating of 2/5.

Railway Inn Hygiene Rating - 3/5

Railway Inn

Railway Inn has a hygiene rating of 3/5.