
Listed below are the food hygiene ratings of Adur takeaways. These ratings are based on data collected by the local authority and reflect the standard of hygiene on the date of inspection. To find the ratings of all Adur takeaways, you can use our food hygiene rating comparison tool. This tool has been designed to help consumers find the right place to eat, whether it be a local restaurant or a takeaway.

Rice's Kitchen Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Rice's Kitchen

Rice's Kitchen has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Farmers Hotel Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Farmers Hotel

Farmers Hotel in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Shoreham Conservative Club Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Shoreham Conservative Club

Shoreham Conservative Club in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Charcoal Grill Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Charcoal Grill

Charcoal Grill in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Jungle Goddess Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Jungle Goddess

Jungle Goddess has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Nan's Thai Noodles Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Nan's Thai Noodles

Nan's Thai Noodles has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Safari Pizza Co Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Safari Pizza Co

The Safari Pizza Co has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Zoltan's Pastries Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Zoltan's Pastries

Zoltan's Pastries has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Cotts & Linz Ice Cream Cafe Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Cotts & Linz Ice Cream Cafe

Cotts & Linz Ice Cream Cafe in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

League of Friends Tea Shop Hygiene Rating - 5/5

League of Friends Tea Shop

League of Friends Tea Shop in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Southwick Fish Bar Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Southwick Fish Bar

Southwick Fish Bar in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Tasty Thai Truck Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Tasty Thai Truck

Tasty Thai Truck has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Roisin Water Kefir Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Roisin Water Kefir

Roisin Water Kefir has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Pick It Cook It Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Pick It Cook It

Pick It Cook It has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

H & K Store Hygiene Rating - 5/5

H & K Store

H & K Store in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Ferry Inn Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Ferry Inn

The Ferry Inn in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Aramark at Northbrook College Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Aramark at Northbrook College

Aramark at Northbrook College in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Shoreham Fish Bar Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Shoreham Fish Bar

Shoreham Fish Bar in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Charly's Childcare Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Charly's Childcare

Charly's Childcare has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Craft Newsagents Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Craft Newsagents

Craft Newsagents in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Kathleens Lodge Rest Home Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Kathleens Lodge Rest Home

Kathleens Lodge Rest Home in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

New China Hygiene Rating - 5/5

New China

New China in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

The Southwick Greengrocer Hygiene Rating - 5/5

The Southwick Greengrocer

The Southwick Greengrocer in Southwick has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

McDonalds Hygiene Rating - 5/5


McDonalds in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Fete N Lime Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Fete N Lime

Fete N Lime in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Taylor's Fish Bar Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Taylor's Fish Bar

Taylor's Fish Bar in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Piece 'A' Cake Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Piece 'A' Cake

Piece 'A' Cake has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Ariel's Cakery Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Ariel's Cakery

Ariel's Cakery has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Hannah's Cake Pops Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Hannah's Cake Pops

Hannah's Cake Pops in Shoreham-by-sea has a hygiene rating of 5/5.

Lee House Hygiene Rating - 5/5

Lee House

Lee House in Lancing has a hygiene rating of 5/5.